- THE GREATEST IS LOVE. "And these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love.... but the greatest of these is Love." Let this 1 Corinthians-inspired coin guide your daily life; Have faith. Never lose hope. Spread love.
- BUILD YOUR OWN. Create your own style byadding this "Faith Hope Love" dime toa current Mariamor piece, or to any of your at-home favorites. If chosen without a chain, each coin comes drilled with one hole, so that you are able to mix and match on your own chain or bracelet
- ONE OF A KIND. Each authentic US coin pendant is handmade to order in Southern California. Modified finishes, chain length, and coin addition available. Each pendant is made out of real American currency, so no two pieces are the same.
- EVERYDAY, SPREAD LOVE. Mariamor was founded with the intention to spread love, happiness, beauty, and joy with every unique piece of inspirational jewelry we create.